Last night I had another dream. Someone was handing me two things. One was extremely large and weighted almost nothing,…
Don’t blame me for your miss step. You tell me where you want to go, I’ll get you there. Don’t…
The forest turning into snakes, that has never happened before. I wonder if this was an evolution of the dream…
A PANTHER! THAT WAS SO COOL! I have been trying to do this for so long. I wonder what else…
I don’t know what’s gong on with the forest. I should never have let it surround me like that… it…
This trip is not going very well. Although, I have seen some druidic signs directing the way. Makes me kind…
Oh my gosh. That guy was so cute! I would have loved tagging along with him. Instead I am here…
Oh, the poor high elf. I wonder if she knows that spider webs are so last season. #PoorElf #GiveHerABreak #lol
This crazy librarian keeps looking at me and asking if I want to play dice. If Vasili was dead I…
Sitting at the top of a crevice the elf fell down. #JustWaiting #SoBored #ElvesSuck.